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Rodent Control in Portland, OR

Keep your home pantry safe from contamination and avoid unnecessary losses to your business by calling  our company for rodent control in Portland, OR. Rodents are invasive animals with continuously growing incisors on both their top and bottom jaws. The experts at Golden Eagle Pest Extermination & The Mole Men LLC know exactly how they operate. When you require affordable and safe rodent removal for your home or business, we are the intelligent choice to make.

Trapping rodents is often safer than many of the traditional bait and kill tactics used by exterminators. Killing the rodent is quick, but if their bodies are left in walls to rot, all sorts of new problems arise. The safest route to take is hiring a rodent exterminator that focuses on trapping and relocation. Stay well ahead of these pesky, disease carrying critters without putting your family in danger by calling us for an appointment and free inspection of your home or office today. The damage that rodents cause, from torn rugs to chewed wire, is a hassle and potentially an embarrassment. Don't let rodents bother you any long by calling the team with the solution to your problems.

The Reliable Rodent Exterminator

When you buy a home in Portland, you need to make sure you have pest elimination company on standby that capable of getting rid of more than just the occasional cockroach. Our company provides animal removal and other pest services that keep your new home safe. The moment you begin to hear scurrying in your walls or ceiling, it is of the utmost importance that you contact a specialist with the perfect solution to your problems. Don't let these pests taint your food or cause an electrical fire by chewing through cables.

Sometimes, pests are far more unassuming than rats or termites. Even your every day, average woodland creature is capable of infesting your home. Our squirrel removal experts are fully versed in all the ways these sometimes cute creatures are capable of damaging up your home. They nest like any other animal, and when they do, they bring with them all the diseases that other rodents carry. Don't let their innocuous appearance fool you and call a team equipped to handle squirrels today.

Rodent Exterminator in Portland, OR